- 俚语: slang
- 邮票: postage stamp; stamp
- 俚语: slang 俚语往往很快风行起来又很快不再风行了。 slang often goes in and out of fashion quickly. “brass”是“money” 一词的俚语。 “brass” is slang for “money”
- 邮票: postage stamp; stamp 航空邮票 air mail stamp; 欠资邮票 postage-due stamp; 特种邮票 special stamp; 无齿孔邮票 imperforate; 一套纪念邮票 a set of commemorative stamps; 贴邮票 stick on the stamps
- 〔俚语〕饱吃。: tuck in; tuck-out