Egyptian film week features film master youssef chahine 埃及电影周重埃及影坛宗师沙轩半世纪代表作
Investigators say they have linked him to 21 - year - old youssef mohamad el hajdib , the first suspect arrested in the case 调查人员说,他们发现他和同案的第一名嫌疑人现年21岁的约瑟夫
She loved the iraqis , ” said mohammed youssef ibrahim , a history professor who published a book about bell in 2003 历史学教授穆罕默德.约瑟夫,埃博希姆如是说,其人在2003年出版了一本介绍贝尔的书。
Parallel and distributed systems , 1993 , 4 : 175 - 186 . 4 singh h , youssef a . mapping and scheduling heterogeneous task graphs using genetic algorithms . in proc 在异构环境中,通常采用启发式调度算法,这种算法利用任务执行时间和系统负载的历史数据来调度任务。