The new method uses a technology called mini - x - ray fluorescence to detect chemical elements in fingerprints without altering them 而该新方法使用了一种“微x射线束荧光技术” ,可以探测到指纹携带的化学成分,却不会改变指纹的保存状态。
The method uses a technology called mini - x - ray fluorescence to detect chemical elements in fingerprints without altering them , said christopher worley , a scientist on the project 参与该科研项目的科学家克里斯托弗?沃尔利说,该方法使用了一种“微x射线束荧光技术” ,可以探测到指纹携带的化学成分,却不会改变指纹的保存状态。
Los alamos national laboratory scientists have developed a new technique to see fingerprints on surfaces by using mini - x - ray fluorescence to detect chemical elements in fingerprints without altering them 美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的科学家们发明了一种新型的指纹检测技术,利用微x射线束荧光技术可以在不破坏指纹的情况下探测到物体表面指纹所携带的化学成分
It is based on the principle : under a number of angles , the x - ray attenuation in a cross section of a human body is measured by detector resulting in a set of profiles . this set of profiles is called the radon transform of the object in mathematics . the problem now is to reconstruct a two - dimensional image via inverting its radon transform 它所基于的成像原理是:人体的某个剖面在若干个角度上被x射线束照射,照射后x射线的衰减量被检测器记录下来,形成投影集合,数学上将这个投影集合描述为该剖面的radon变换,通过反演radon变换就能够重建剖面的二维图像。