x-raysとは意味:X-rays X線[基礎]; X線[医生]; X線[化学]; X線[機械]; X線[航宇]; X線[その他]〈96確Z2300:非破壊試験用語〉; エックス線[機械] x-rays meaning:[Medicine] Penetrating electromagnetic radiation emitted when the inner orbital electrons of an atom are excited and release energy - in the same energy range as gamma rays (0.010-10 Mev),but of non-n...x-rays artinya:sinar-rontgenx-rays 뜻:엑스선x-rays перевод:1) икс-лучи 2) икслучи 3) рентгеновские лучи 4) рентгеновы лучи • - fluorescent X-rays - primary X-rays - scattered X-rays - secondary X-rays - ultraspeed X-rays