w: w = 1.warden. 2.wareho ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...悲剧: tragedy风的悲剧: wind of tragedy公地的悲剧: the tragedy of the commons; tragedy of the commons美国的悲剧: an american tragedy尼娜的悲剧: nina's tragedies日本的悲剧: tragedy of japan姊姊的悲剧: sister’s tragedyok牧场的悲剧: tv-251浮士德的悲剧: the tragedy of dr faustus复仇者的悲剧: the revenger's tragedy荒谬人的悲剧: tragedia di un uomo ridicolo卖国贼的悲剧: 222.the tragedy of the traitor浮士德博士的悲剧: the tragical history of doctor faustus理查二世的悲剧: the life and death of king richard ll卖国贼的悲剧444: the tragedy of the traitor匹斯的悲剧根源: the origin of sula mae peace's tragedy实施之后的悲剧: miles qu希腊的悲剧诗人: aeschylus/euripides; euripides古代希腊的悲剧诗人: sophocles一部充满悖论的悲剧: king lear-a tragedy full of paradoxes一个可笑人物的悲剧: la tragedia di un uomo ridiclo悲剧: 1.(戏剧的一种) tragedy; tragic drama2.(不幸的遭遇) sad event男人则不然--这也就是男人的悲剧。王尔德: all women become like their mothers- that is their tragedy; no man does-that's his