vi. 1.低语;耳语。 2.密谈;告密,背后指责,背后(发)议论;密谋坏事。 3.(风,流水等)沙沙地响,飒飒地响。 短语和例子 whisper in sb.'s ear 跟某人交头接耳地说。vt. 低声地讲;私下说。 It is whispered that 有人私下说 …,听说。n. 1.低语,耳语;密谈;私话,小话;传闻。 2.沙沙声;【医学】嗫音。 短语和例子 give the whisper 给暗示,悄悄嘱咐。 in a whisper = in whispers 悄声,悄悄地,低声地。
whisperとは意味:1whisper n. ささやき; うわさ, 風説. 【動詞+】 ◆His actions caused whispers to go around . 彼の行動はとかくのうわさを出回らせた ◆exchange whispers ひそひそ話をかわす ◆Even before the revelations, I had heard whispers about her way of life. 暴...whisper meaning: Verb: whisper wispu(r) Speak softly; in a low voice Noun: whisper wispu(r) Speaking softly without vibration of the vocal cords - whispering , susurration , ...whisper en francais:n. chuchotement, murmure; rumeur; complot v. chuchoter, murmurer; répandre une rumeur; susurrerwhisper artinya:berbisikwhisper 뜻:vi, 속삭이다, 몰래 말하다, (바람, 냇물 따위가)살랑살랑(졸졸) 소리를 내다, 은밀히 말을 퍼뜨리다 vt, 속삭이다, 말을 가만히 퍼뜨리다 n, 속삭임, 소근거림, 살랑살랑(졸졸)소리whisper перевод:1) шепот Ex: to speak in a whisper (in whispers) говорить шепотом 2) слух, молва; наушничество, нашептывание Ex: a whisper of scandal сплетни, "шепоток" 3) слово, намек Ex: not a whisper of repro...