The outcrop of the bed is then drawn through the intersecting contour points bearing in mind the closure directions anticipated from the rule of vs . 考虑到V字形法则预计的圈闭方向,通过等高线交点勾出岩层的露头线。
Northeast asian security : challenges vs . options 东北亚地区安全的挑战与路径选择
Fri 6 amadora vs boavista sat 1 fc tokyo vs fc yokohama 星期五6英超曼城对查尔顿
Sat 58 sochaux vs lorient sat 59 ac milan vs cagliari 星期六77葡超布拉加对士?亭
VS {略-1} : vaginal smear vs meaning: Abbreviation: vs Versus Noun: V vee A soft silvery white toxic metallic element used in steel alloys; it occurs in several complex minerals including carnotite and vanadinit...vs artinya:lawanvs перевод:v.s. I сокр. от vide supra; лат. смотри выше II сокр. от V.S. - Veterinary Surgeon (военно-)ветеринарный врач vs против vs. сокр. от versus; лат. против VS I сокр. [vent stack] вентиляционная труба II...