What troubled him most was the uselessness of fanny's effort . 他想的最多的还是范妮在绘画上徒劳无益的努力。
The staple conversation on the farms around was on the uselessness of saving money . 这一带农田上谈话的要旨,都是说攒钱没有用处。
You can also create disorder in your life and a feeling of uselessness 最后,你能够在最能胜任的层次起作用,了解到你生命的意义。
As for the supposed uselessness of your young boss , i can believe he is less experienced and more ignorant than you 至于你认为这位年轻上司没本事,我相信他的经验没你丰富,见识比你更少。
I will be frank with you , said prince vassily in the tone of a crafty man , who is convinced of the uselessness of being crafty with so penetrating a companion “我率直地告诉您, ”瓦西里公爵说道,那腔调就像一个狡猾的人确信他在交谈者的洞察之下用不着耍滑头似的。
uselessnessとは意味:uselessness n. 《文語》 むだなこと, 無益. 【動詞+】 ◆The president deplored the uselessness of his cabinet members. 大統領は閣僚の役立たずを嘆いた ◆The accident revealed the uselessness of the safety precautions. その事故によって安全のための予防措...uselessness meaning: Noun: uselessness yooslusnus The quality of having no practical use - inutility , unusefulness Derived forms: uselessnesses See also: useless Type of: quality An...uselessness en francais:n. inutilitéuselessness artinya:ketidakgunaanuselessness 뜻:무용uselessness перевод:ненадобность, бесполезность Uselessness uselessness бесполезность