Machines used for the automatic supply of unconditioned drinks 未调配饮料自动供应机器
Signal of unconditioned stimulus 非条件刺激信号
Unconditioned and conditioned behavioral sensitization of repeated morphine administration : an individual difference study in rats 吗啡行为及条件性行为敏感化效应及其个体差异
Practicing “ unconditioned compassion ” is to treat all people , whether related or unrelated to you , with the same compassionate mind 《 61期》无缘大慈- -就是无论与自己有因缘或没有因缘的人,都一样以慈悲心去看待。
Water heaters located in unconditioned spaces ( i . e . , attics , basements , etc . ) may require the water piping and drain piping to be insulated to protect against freezing 如果热水器安装在不具备条件的地方(如:阁楼,地下室,等等) ,可能要求水管和排水管加装保温层以防止被冻结。