For a time he checked the loss of ulster . 他暂时止住了厄尔斯特的丢失。
I hardened my heart and took the smoke-rocket from under my ulster . 我硬下心肠,从我的长外套里取出烟火筒。
The conquest of ulster makes the finest story in the conquest after that of leinster . 继伦斯特征服之后,厄尔斯特的被征服构成了征服史上最精彩的篇章。
While the point was being debated a tall agile gentleman of fair complexion, wearing a long yellow ulster came from the far end of the bar . 这时从酒吧的另一头过来一位绅士,他穿一件系着带子的黄长袍,皮肤白皙,身材颀长,动作利索。
These newly raised troops just as well complete their training in ulster as at home, and would at the same time become a strategic factor . 这些新招募的军队可以正如在美国国内一样在厄尔斯特完成他们的训练,而同时成为一个战略上的因素。
ulsterとは意味:{名} : アルスター人 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {地名-1} : アルスター地方◆アイルランド島の北東部の地方(歴史的には9つの郡で構成)。内、6つの郡は英領?北アイルランド、3つがアイルランド(国)になっている。 ---------------------...ulster meaning: Noun: ulster úlstu(r) Loose long overcoat of heavy fabric; usually belted Noun: Ulster úlstu(r) A historic division of Ireland located in the northeastern part ...ulster en francais:n. ulster (région en irlande) n. ulster (espèce d'un long manteau)ulster artinya:ulsterulster 뜻:noun, 아일랜드의 한 주의 옛 이름(현재는 아일랜드 공화국 북부의 한 주) 얼스터 외투(품이 긴 외투)ulster перевод:1) ольстер, длинное свободное пальто (обыкновенно с поясом)