THOMAS is the database of United States Congress legislative information. It is operated by the Library of Congress and was launched in January 1995 at the inception of the 104th Congress.
thomasとは意味:{名-1} : 《聖書》トマス◆キリストの12使徒の一人 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : トーマス◆米国国会図書館のオンライン?データベースシステム◆【語源】第三代大統領の名より ------------------------------------...thomas meaning: Noun: Thomas tómus United States clockmaker who introduced mass production (1785-1859) - Seth Thomas United States socialist who was a candidate for president six times (1...thomas en francais:n. thomas, prénom masculin; nom de famillethomas artinya:st. thomasthomas 뜻:noun, 도마(예수 12사도의 한 사람)thomas перевод:1) _разг. английский солдат, типичный английский служака (тж. Thomas Atkins) 2) _разг. ливрейный лакей; официант 3) _библ. Фома Ex: doubting Thomas Фома неверный