A talisman is an object which purports to contain certain magical properties which would protect the possessor from evil or harm, or provide good luck. The word comes from the Arabic word ???? Tilasm, and ultimately from the Greek word teleo which means "to consecrate".
talismanとは意味:talisman n. 護符, お守り. 【動詞+】 ◆carry a talisman お守りを持ち歩く. 【+前置詞】 ◆a talisman against evil 災難よけの護符. talisman meaning: Noun: talisman talismun A trinket or piece of jewellery usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease - amulet Derived forms: tal...talisman en francais:n. talisman, obejt auquel on attribue des vertus magique de protection; amulette; mascotte, objet porte-bonheurtalisman artinya:azimattalisman 뜻:noun, 호부, 부적 n, 부적, 신비한 힘이 있는 것talisman перевод:1) талисман