look around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular; "browse a computer directory"; "surf the internet or the world wide web" 同义词:browse
ride the waves of the sea with a surfboard; "Californians love to surf" 同义词:surfboard
Surf is the wave activity in the area between the shoreline and outer limit of breakers. It may refer to a breaking wave in shallow water, upon the shore, or in the area in which waves break
surfとは意味:surf n. 寄せ波, 砕け波. 【動詞+】 ◆hear the surf その寄せ波の音を聞く ◆He rode the incoming surf on his board. サーフボードで寄せてくる波に乗った. 【+動詞】 ◆The surf beat on the shore. 寄せ波が岸にごうごうと当たった ◆The surf broke on the rocks. 寄せ波は岩に当たっ...surf meaning: Noun: surf surf Waves breaking on the shore - breaker , breakers Verb: surf surf Ride the waves of the sea with a surfboard "Californians love to sur...surf en francais:n. vague déferlante, onde, écume de vagues v. glisser, dévalersurf artinya:ombak yang memecahsurf 뜻:noun, 밀려오는 파도surf перевод:1) прибой, буруны