Desires can be sublimated into fine poetry . 愿望可以升华成为美妙的诗。
This method involves freezing the protein solution on the walls of a round bottomed flask and sublimating the liquid in a vacuum . 这个方法包括将蛋白质溶液在圆底烧瓶的瓶壁上冰冻,和在真空中让液体升华。
A special method was used to sublimate the material 一个特殊的方法被用来纯化这种物质。
Desire can be sublimated into fine poetry 欲望可以升华成为美妙的诗。
Their affection to each other is sublimated into a lasting friendship 他俩之间的感情被升华成一种永久的友谊。
vaporize and then condense right back again 同义词:sublime
change or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting; "sublime iodine"; "some salts sublime when heated" 同义词:sublime
remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation; "purify the water" 同义词:purify, make pure, distill
sublimateとは意味:sublimate v. 昇華させる. 【+前置詞】 ◆sublimate one's lust by throwing oneself into one's work 仕事に打ちこんで情欲を昇華させる ◆He sublimated his sexual energy into great works of art. 自分の性的な活力を偉大な芸術作品に昇華させた. sublimate meaning: Adjective: sublimate súblumeyt Made pure Noun: sublimate súblumeyt The product of vaporization of a solid Verb: sublimate súblumeyt Direct e...sublimate en francais:n. sublimation (spiritualisation) v. sublimer; surélever;transformer un produit entier en gazsublimate artinya:menyublimsublimate 뜻:vt, 순화하다, 승화시키다sublimate перевод:1) _спец. сублимат, возгон; продукт возгонки Ex: corrosive sublimate _хим. сулема 2) _книж. возвышать, придавать возвышенный характер 3) делаться более возвышенным, очищаться; облагораживаться 4) ...