Each dot is called a sorus and consists of many sporangia mounted on stalks . 每个圆点称为一个囊群,由许多长在柄上的孢子囊组成。
Sori borne near the costule , indusium spherical , membranous 孢子囊群靠近中脉著生;囊群盖球形,膜质。
Sori hemispheroid , in 2 - 3 series on each side along the costules , without indusium 孢子囊群圆形,沿中脉两侧各排成2 - 3行,无囊群盖。
Sori borne along the longitudinal veins and protected by the reflexed edges of the ultimate segments of pinnules 孢子囊沿能育叶裂片的纵脉两侧著生,并为裂片反卷的边缘所覆盖。
Sori 1 - 5 pairs borne on the lower surface of ultimate lobes at the end of basal veins ; indusium dehiscent in two equal halves when mature 孢子囊群1 - 5对,生于末回裂片下面近基部小脉顶端;囊群盖成熟时对开2裂。
sorusとは意味:{名} : 胞子嚢群{ほうし のう ぐん} sorus meaning: Noun: sorus (sori) sorus A spore-producing structure in certain lichens and fungi Cluster of sporangia usually on underside of a fern frond Derived forms: sori Type of: ...sorus artinya:sorussorus 뜻:noun, (양치류의)포자낭군sorus перевод:сорус