Shoring is a general term used in construction to describe the process of supporting a structure in order to prevent collapse so that construction can proceed. The phrase can also be used as a noun to refer to the materials used in the process.
shoringとは意味:{名} : 支柱{しちゅう}(で支えること) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】∫o':riη、【分節】shor?ing shoring meaning: Noun: shoring shoring A beam or timber that is propped against a structure to provide support - shore The act of propping up with shores - shoring up , propping up Ve...shoring artinya:jermangshoring перевод:1) _тех. укрепление подпорками; крепление 2) _тех. система подпор или подкосов; подпоры, подкосы