Sheltered is a 4-part documentary Canadian television series which premiered on October 20, 2010 on the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network. Co-produced by Mountain Road Productions and Bossy Jossy Productions the series follows Derek Marsden, an Ojibway carpenter, as he travels the world to learn the ancient home building techniques of the world's Indigenous and traditional cultures.
shelteredとは意味:{形} : 守られた、守られている、保護{ほご}されて安全{あんぜん}な sheltered meaning: Adjective: sheltered shelturd Protected from danger or bad weather "a sheltered harbour" Verb: shelter sheltu(r) Provide shelter for "After...sheltered en francais:adj. abrité, protégésheltered artinya:berteduhsheltered 뜻:보호된sheltered перевод:1) укрытый, защищенный 2) обеспеченный, безбедный Ex: sheltered life жизнь без тревог и забот Ex: sheltered industry _эк. покровительствуемая отрасль промышленности