n. 1.耻辱;羞耻;羞愧。 2.廉耻心;羞耻心。 3.可耻的事[人,物]。 4.侮辱;凌辱。 5.不贞。 6.〔口语〕太岂有此理的事情;不应该的事情;令人惋惜的事。 短语和例子 flush with shame 羞得脸红。 a burning [crying] shame 奇耻大辱。 a life of shame 卖笑生涯。 What a shame to treat you like that! 那样对待你实在太不应该了。 bring a blush of shame to sb.'s cheek 使人脸红;使丢脸。 bring sb. to shame 使人脸红;侮辱,欺负。 bring shame on= bring to shame 使丢脸;侮辱。 cannot do it for very shame 不好意思做。 cry shame upon 指责…可耻。 dead to shame 不知耻;不怕难为情。 Fie for shame! =For shame! for shame=from [out of] shame 知耻而;羞得;红着脸。 For shame! 真丢脸;好不要脸;真可耻! lost to shame= past shame. past shame 无耻;不要脸。 put to shame 给丢脸!使脸红!侮辱。 S- on you!=For shame! to the shame of 自觉惭愧地,很惭愧地。 without shame 无耻。 What a shame! 真丢脸!〔口语〕真遗憾。vt. 1.使羞愧;使害羞;使丢脸;侮辱;凌辱。 2.使相形见绌;使黯然失色;〔主用被动语态〕使感觉羞耻而 (into out of doing)。 短语和例子 He was shamed into working . 他羞愧得开始工作了[改了他的坏习惯了]。
Shame is, variously, an affect, emotion, cognition, state, or condition. The roots of the word shame are thought to derive from an older word meaning "to cover"; as such, covering oneself, literally or figuratively, is a natural expression of shame.
shameとは意味:1shame n. 恥ずかしさ, 羞恥心; 恥辱, 不面目; 残念なこと, 惜しいこと; ひどいこと. 【動詞+】 ◆bear a shame 恥を忍ぶ I can't bear the shame. その恥辱には堪えられない It was he who had to bear the shame for what had happened. 起こったことに対して恥を忍ばなければならないのは彼...shame meaning: Noun: shame sheym A painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt A state of dishonour "one mistake brought shame to all his family" - di...shame en francais:n. honte, déshonneur, infamie v. faire honte; déshonorer; frapper d'infamie; humilier; mortifier; piquer l'amour propre de quelqu'unshame artinya:malushame 뜻:noun, 부끄럼, 수치, 불명예, 치욕, 창피(지독)한 일, 부끄럽게 하다, 부끄러워 하게 하다, 모욕하다shame перевод:1) стыд Ex: a sense of shame чувство (ощущение) стыда Ex: to one's shame к своему стыду Ex: to feel shame at smth. стыдиться чего-л. Ex: he felt shame at having told a lie ему было стыдно, что он ...