Sensibility refers to an acute perception of or responsiveness toward something, such as the emotions of another. This concept emerged in eighteenth-century Britain, and was closely associated with studies of sense perception as the means through which knowledge is gathered.
sensibilityとは意味:sensibility n. 感覚; 敏感; 感受性; (細やかな)感情. 【動詞+】 ◆blunt sb's sensibility 人の感覚を鈍らす ◆Had his continued success dulled his sensibilities? 立て続けに成功したために彼の感受性は鈍ってしまっていたのだろうか ◆have the sensibility of a poet 詩人の(よ...sensibility meaning: Noun: sensibility `sensu'bilitee Mental responsiveness and awareness - esthesia [US], aesthesia Refined sensitivity to pleasurable or painful impressions "cr...sensibility en francais:n. sensibilité; émotivité;; susceptibilitésensibility artinya:perasaansensibility 뜻:noun, 감각, 감정, 감수성sensibility перевод:1) чувствительность Ex: the sensibility of the skin чувствительность кожи Ex: sensibility to smth. чувствительность к чему-л. Ex: to have sensibility to an influence легко поддаваться влиянию 2) ч...