something that remunerates; "wages were paid by check"; "he wasted his pay on drink"; "they saved a quarter of all their earnings" 同义词:wage, pay, earnings, remuneration
A salary is a form of remuneration paid periodically by an employer to an employee, the amount and frequency of which may be specified in an employment contract. It is contrasted with piece wages, where each job, hour, or other unit is paid separately, rather than on a fixed periodic basis.
salaryとは意味:salary n. 俸給, 給料. 【動詞+】 ◆He accepted the same salary he had been earning when he was fired. 解雇されたときに得ていたのと同額の給料でいいと言った ◆I advanced him two weeks salary. 彼に 2 週分の給料を前払いした ◆the salaries attached to the ...salary meaning: Noun: salary saluree Something that remunerates - wage , pay , earnings , remuneration Derived forms: salaries Type of: regular payment Part of: payroll , payshe...salary en francais:n. salaire; appointementssalary artinya:gajisalary 뜻:noun, 봉급(을 주다, 지불하다) (cf, wages)salary перевод:1) жалованье, оклад; заработная плата служащего Ex: monthly salary ежемесячное жалованье Ex: yearly salary годовой оклад Ex: a rise (increase) of salary, a raise in salary прибавка к жалованью (зар...