How could i know there was going to be all this rumpus and powwow about a little slip like that ? 我怎么会知道这么一点儿大意就会惹得老天爷这么大发雷霆呢?
Rumpus cat and macavity kept feeling up my leg 蓝帕斯猫跟麦卡维蒂拉着我不放
This is the entertainment or rumpus room 这是休闲娱乐室
Why , he is the very man who had that rumpus with my father i told you of 哦,我曾经给你说过,他就是侮辱我父亲的那个家伙。
He failed to perceive any very vast amount of harm in that always with the proviso no rumpus of any sort was kicked up 起码让这个青年处在能够保障他的安全的人手里,就跟台架252上的烤面包片那样暖烘烘的。
rumpusとは意味:rumpus n. 騒ぎ; 激論. 【動詞+】 ◆create a rumpus 騒ぎを引き起こす ◆I heard the rumpus and went to see what was happening. 騒ぎが聞こえたので何事かと見に行った ◆raise a rumpus 騒ぐ. 【+前置詞】 ◆What's all this rumpus about? いったい何を騒いでいるのだ ◆Th...rumpus meaning: Noun: rumpus rúmpus The act of making a noisy disturbance - commotion , din , ruction , ruckus , tumult Verb: rumpus rúmpus Cause a disturbance Derived...rumpus en francais:n. bruit, tapage, chahut; dispute; prise de bec; faire toute une histoire pourrumpus artinya:kehebohanrumpus 뜻:noun, 소음, 소동, 소란, 격론, 언쟁, 말다툼rumpus перевод:1) _разг. шум, гам, суматоха Ex: what is all this rumpus about? из-за чего весь этот шум? Ex: to kick up a rumpus поднять шум, буянить, дебоширить