rubiconとは意味:Rubicon n. ルビコン川. 【動詞+】 ◆cross the Rubicon (あとに引けない)重大決意をする. rubicon meaning: Noun: Rubicon 'roobi`kón The boundary in ancient times between Italy and Gaul; Caesar's crossing it with his army in 49 BC was an act of war A line that when crossed permits ...rubicon en francais:n. rubicond, fleuve du nord de l'italie; traversé par césar quand il décida de conquérir le pouvoir à rome, il symbolise une prise de décision crucialerubicon artinya:rubiconrubicon 뜻:noun, 루비콘강(이탈리아 중부의 강, 주사위는 던져졌다고 말하며 Julius Caesar가 건넜음)rubicon перевод:1) Рубикон Ex: to cross (to pass) the Rubicon перейти рубикон, принять важное решение