He is chewing a rubbery piece of meat . 他正嚼着一块嚼不烂的肉。
The product was a rubbery solid . 产品是橡胶态的固体。
The desired heterogeneous structure cannot be obtainable by batch addition of the glassy monomer to the rubbery seed lattx . 通过往橡皮状种子胶乳中分批加入“玻璃状”单体,则不能得到所要求的多相结构。
The meat ' s a bit rubbery - you didn ' t cook it for long enough 这肉有点嚼不烂,你烧得火候不够!
rubberyとは意味:{形} : ゴムのような、強い、硬い、弾性のある The legs appear to be rubbery. Swallowing their rubbery flesh and the dogs! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】rΛ'b(э)ri、【分節】...rubbery meaning: Adjective: rubbery rúburee Having an elastic texture resembling rubber in flexibility or toughness - rubberlike Difficult to chew - cartilaginous , gristly See also:...rubbery en francais:adj. caoutchouteux; souple; élastique, flexible; qui ressemble au caoutchoucrubbery artinya:elastisrubbery 뜻:adjective, 고무같은, 탄력있는(elastic), 질긴(tough)rubbery перевод:1) эластичный 2) жесткий (о мясе); как резина 3) нетвердый Ex: rubbery legs подгибающиеся ноги; ноги как ватные