We quote : " they were surrendering in droves , almost too fast for us to keep up with . . . " ; " . . . two iraqi majors , both brigade commanders , who gave up their entire units . . . " ; and " . . . one of them gave up to an rpv [ remotely piloted vehicle ) 我们引用到: “他们成群结队的投降,几乎太快对,以使我们跟上… ” ; “ … 2个伊拉克主要人物,都是旅指挥官,他们放弃了他们整个部队… ” ,并且“ …他们之一放弃了一架遥控飞行器) 。
rpv meaning: (military) abbrev Remotely-piloted vehicle, a miniature aircraft designed to identify the exact position of enemy targetsrpv en francais:véhicule téléguidé, véhicule qui fonctionne et qui est contrôlé par une télécommanderpv (remote-piloted vehicle)rpv перевод:сокр. от Remotely Piloted Vehicle дистанционно-управляемый ЛА RPV сокр. от Remotely Piloted Vehicle дистанционно-управляемый ЛА