There were about forty children to a class, sitting at double-desks and learning by rote . 每个班有四十名学生,用的都是双人桌,教学特点是死记硬背。
His poor method of learning by rote made him unable to deal with the problems in his work flexibly . 他死记硬背的学习方法使他在工作中不能灵活处理问题。
He was bewildered by the entrance of science and technology into his realm where rote had ruled so long . 科学和技术改变了他久已习惯的程序和方法,这使他感到很迷惘。
Replacement animals were ordered promptly, and as they arrived the institute staff commenced the tiresome rote of repeating work begun long ago . 迅速订购了实验用的动物,动物一送到,研究所的人就着手干起很早以前就开始的枯燥的重复性工作。
On the rote of silver in chinese monetarg system 试析白银在中国货币制度中的历史沿革
roteとは意味:rote n. 暗唱. 【前置詞+】 ◆learn a poem by rote 詩をそらで覚える recite by rote 暗唱する act by rote (意味も考えずに)機械的に行動する. rote meaning: Noun: rote rowt Memorization by repetition - rote learning Sounds like: wrote Derived forms: rotes Type of: committal to memory , memorisation [Brit], memori...rote en francais:n. routine; train-train; formalité; usage; procédure habituellerote artinya:dihafal tanpa pikirrote 뜻:noun, 기계적 방법, 기계적 기억 n, 물기슭에 부딪치는 파도 소리rote перевод:1) _ам. шум прибоя 2) механическое запоминание Ex: by rote наизусть (не вникая в существо дела) Ex: to recite by rote декламировать без выражения (механически) Ex: to perform duties by rote механи...