Although the proteins are not inherently dangerous , there would be little control over the doses people might get exposed to , and some might be allergic to the proteins , said jane rissler of the union of concerned scientists , a science policy advocacy group 虽然这些蛋白质本身并不危险,但人可能接触的剂量无从控制,而且有人可能对这种蛋白质过敏,科学政策活跃团体科学家关怀联盟的珍李斯勒说。
But the jury is still out . there ' s not much evidence to weigh notes jane rissler of the union of concerned scientists . this issue of nontarget effects is just a black hole and epa has very little good data at this point to conclude whether the monarch butterfly problem is real particularly in the long term “证据根本就不够, ”环保科学家协会的瑞斯乐指出, “基改作物对非目标生物的影响这个问题根本就是个黑洞,环保署目前握有的数据太少,根本无法判断大桦斑蝶的问题是否严重,更遑论长期的评估。 ”