Asbestos reinforcement confers excellent flame retardation properties on a composite . 石棉增强材料使复合材料具有优异的防火性能。
The theory confirms the increase in the retardation effect with decrease in particle size . 理论证实,随着颗粒尺寸的减小,这一减速效应将增大。
Deficiencies in certain organic chemicals can cause mental retardation in babies, rickets, beriberi, blindness, scurvy and many other diseases . 缺乏某些有机化合物,能引起婴儿智力迟钝、佝偻病、脚气病、失明、坏血病和其它许多疾病。
Adaptive behavior assessment of mental retardation review 智力残疾的适应性行为评估
Diagnosis of 77 cases of intrauterine growth retardation 77例胎儿宫内发育迟缓的诊断
retardationとは意味:retardation n. 遅れ, 遅滞. 【動詞+】 ◆Toxic substances in the body damage the brain, causing retardation. 体内の有毒物質は脳を傷つけ(心身の成長の)遅れをもたらす. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆developmental retardation 成長の遅れ ◆mental retardation 〔心理〕 知能の(...retardation meaning: Noun: retardation `reetaa(r)'deyshun A decrease in rate of change - deceleration , slowing The extent to which something is delayed or held back Any agent that reta...retardation en francais:n. retardement, retard; retardation; arriération (psychologie); empêchement; ralentissementretardation artinya:gencatanretardation 뜻:noun, 지연, 저지, 방해, 지체(방해)량, 감속도, 방해물, 지능발달의 지연retardation перевод:1) замедление; задерживание 2) _стих. ретардация 3) запаздывание; отставание 4) _мед. ретардация, задержка умственного развития 5) замедленная умственная деятельность 6) замедленная реакция 7) п...