the act of rejecting something; "his proposals were met with rejection"
the speech act of rejecting
(medicine) an immunological response that refuses to accept substances or organisms that are recognized as foreign; "rejection of the transplanted liver"
rejectionとは意味:rejection n. 拒絶. 【動詞+】 ◆fear rejection 拒絶されることを恐れる ◆I got several rejections before I found a publisher. 出版してくれる会社を見つけるまでには, いくつも断られた ◆receive several rejections 何度も拒絶される. 【+動詞】 ◆Rejection by one's lo...rejection meaning: Noun: rejection ri'jekshun The act of rejecting something "his proposals were met with rejection" The state of being rejected (medicine) an immunological ...rejection en francais:n. réjection; refus, rejetrejection artinya:penolakanrejection 뜻:noun, 배제, 폐기, 거절, 각하, 부결, 구토, 폐기물, 거부(거절)반응rejection перевод:1) отклонение, неприятие; отказ Ex: rejection slip печатный бланк с извещением автора об отклонении его рукописи Ex: the rejection of the bill отклонение законопроекта 2) _pl. брак, отходы 3) _спе...