



        elect:    vt. 1.推选;选(举)某人任某职。 2.作出(…的)选择;决定。 elect sb. to the presidency [to be president] 选某人当总统。 elect to be a doctor 决定当医生。 vi. 1.进行(投票)选举。 2.作出选择。 be elected 当选。 the elected 被选人;当选人。 the right to elect and stand for election 选举权和被选举权。 adj. 被选定的,当选的,当选而尚未就任的〔一般用于所修饰的名词之后〕。 the Mayor-elect 当选市长。 the bride elect 被选中的未婚妻。 n. 〔the elect〕 1. 当选人,被选定的人。 2. 特权集团;〔宗〕上帝的选民。
        the elect:    有福的
        by-elect members:    递补委员
        elect by acclamation:    口头选举
        elect electronics:    电子学
        pre elect:    预选
        pre-elect:    vt. 预选。
        president elect:    当选总统, 当选的下届议长, 会长; 尚未就职的新当选总统
        president-elect:    n. 即将就任的总统,新当选(尚未就职)的总统,当选总统。
        the president elect:    当选总统
        elect by secret ballot:    无记名投票选举
        elect from among themselves:    互选
        elect him chairman of the committee:    推选他为委员会主席
        elect him group leader:    选他当组长
        elect odd wide:    等作后缀时
        give birth to a girl elect:    举一女
        netas northern elect telkomun:    北方电力电信公司
        netas-northern elect telkomun:    北方电力电信公司
        pope-elect stephen:    斯德望二世; 司提反二世
        profilo elect gerecler:    电气总公司
        're:    're =are 〔如 we're; you're; they're 〕.
        in re:    〔拉丁语〕关于。
        is re:    伊泽尔
        re:     R.E.= 1.real estate 不动产,房地产。 2.Royal Engineers 〔英国〕皇家陆军工兵。 3.Royal Exchange 伦敦交易所。 4.rare earths 稀土元素。 5.Reformed Episcopal (基督教)新主教派的。 Re =rhenium 【化学】铼。 n. 【音乐】全音阶的长音阶第二音〔相当于音名 D〕。 re2 关于〔原法律和商业用语,现在用作口语〕。 re your esteemed favour of 6th inst. 〔商、口〕关于本月六日专函〔旧式信函用语〕。 I want to speak to you re your behaviour. 〔口语〕关于你的行为,我想跟你谈一谈。 in re 关于( in re Bardell vs. Pickwick 关于巴德尔对皮威克的诉讼)。 re (Brown) 关于(布劳恩案)。 re3 〔拉〕事物〔拉丁语 res 的夺格〕。 re infecta 事情未成。 re integra (事物等)完整如初。
        re-elected:    再度当选
        re-educationaltherapy:    再教育治疗


        re-elect meaning: v. (re-elects, re-electing, re-elected) to elect an official again: The President was re-elected for a second term.
        re-elect artinya:memilih kembali
        re-elect перевод:1) переизбирать, избирать снова Ex: he was not re-elected его не избрали на второй срок


  1. re-dropout rate 什么意思
  2. re-echo 什么意思
  3. re-education of muscles 什么意思
  4. re-educational therapy 什么意思
  5. re-educationaltherapy 什么意思
  6. re-elected 什么意思
  7. re-eligible 什么意思
  8. re-emitted radiation 什么意思


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