

发音:   用"quencher"造句


  1. Associating with friends by tea and pottery , tea is not only a hot and thirst quencher but also a frienship bridge , a cultural messenger and a health - protection product
    “以茶会友、以陶为媒” 。茶以从茶的消暑解渴,上升成友谊的桥梁,文化的使者,健身之佳物。
  2. 7 . at the first time , the reporter dye , fam was linked to the 5 " - end of the oligonucleotides of the probes , and the tamra was located at the 3 " - end as quencher dye . we use camv35s and fmv promoter , nos terminater , mark gene nptii , and aim gene pat , epsps and cryla ( b ) genes as target sequences , design pairs of sp
    7 、首次以fam荧光素标记探针5 ’端作为发光基团,以tarma标记探针3 ’端为淬灭基团,以camv35s 、 fmv启动子、 nos终止子、标记基因nptll 、抗除草剂基因epsps 、 pat 、抗虫基因cry1a )为检狈目标,设计、筛选出特异性引物和探针,优化实验参数,建立了转基因植物通用性荧光pcr定性检测方法体系。



        quencherとは意味:{名} : quench する人、抑制{よくせい}する人[物]、消すもの、消光剤{しょうこう ざい}
        quencher meaning: Noun: quencher    kwenchu(r) One who, or that which, quenches Derived forms: quenchers Encyclopedia: Quencher
        quencher en francaisn. désaltéré (avoir soif ); énervé (colère)
        quencher 뜻:noun, QUENCH하는 사람(물건), 갈증을 갓게 하는 것, 음료
        quencher перевод:1) _разг. питье, напиток 2) _физ. _мат. тушитель 3) _тех. калильщик


  1. quenched structure 什么意思
  2. quenched troostite 什么意思
  3. quenched water 什么意思
  4. quenched zone 什么意思
  5. quenched-in vacancy 什么意思
  6. quenching 什么意思
  7. quenching after heated in lead 什么意思
  8. quenching agent 什么意思
  9. quenching and age hardening 什么意思
  10. quenching and age-hardening 什么意思


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