Quantification has several distinct senses. In mathematics and empirical science, it is the act of counting and measuring that maps human sense observations and experiences into members of some set of numbers.
quantificationとは意味:{名} : 数量化{すうりょうか}、定量化{ていりょう か} quantification meaning: Noun: quantification `kwóntifi'keyshun A limitation imposed on the variables of a proposition (as by the quantifiers 'some' or 'all' or 'no') The act of discovering or expres...quantification en francais:n. quantificationquantification artinya:hitunganquantification 뜻:noun, 양을 정함, 부량, 양화, (빈사, 단어, 명제의 논리량을 한정함)quantification перевод:1) _книж. определение количества Ex: quantification of the predicate _филос. квантификация предиката 2) _спец. квантование, перевод в количественную форму