Plication of lower lid retractor for lower lid entropion in 64 cases 下睑缩肌折叠术治疗下睑内翻64例
Virtual reality tecnnique and its ap - plication in urban planning 虚拟现实技术及其在城市规划中的应用
It was safe and effective to perform midline whole layer plication under endoscopic assistance 我们趁著合并有骨盆腔内手术之便,在内视镜辅助下安全而有效的施行中线摺叠术。
And then some important related elements which affect the classified perfo rmance of awn are analyzed , conclusions which are of great importance in real ap plication are obtained 同时对该网络的分类性能进行了分析,得出了一些具有实际价值的结论。
Benefits of this procedure included plication of diastasis recti , short learning curve , the absence of postoperative board like rigidity of abdominal wall and no need for expensive instruments 当腹部整形被考虑为附加手术而计划合并治疗的时候,我们可以趁腹膜腔已先前被打开之便,利用内视镜作中线筋膜的摺叠术。
an angular or rounded shape made by folding; "a fold in the napkin"; "a crease in his trousers"; "a plication on her blouse"; "a flexure of the colon"; "a bend of his elbow" 同义词:fold, crease, flexure, crimp, bend
plicationとは意味:{名} : ひだ、《地質》褶曲{しゅうきょく} plication meaning: Noun: plication An angular or rounded shape made by folding "a plication on her blouse" - fold , crease , flexure , crimp , bend The act of folding in parallel folds ...plication en francais:n. pli; froissementplication artinya:gelungplication 뜻:접어 겹치기plication перевод:сущ. 1) складка; складчатость; образование складок 2) мн.; геол. складки n 1) складка ;2) pl геол. складки plication складка ~ pl геол. складки plication, plicature (специальное) образование складок (...