A peasant is a member of a traditional class of farmers, either laborers or owners of small farms, especially in the Middle Ages under feudalism, or more generally, in any pre-industrial society.peasant, def.
peasantとは意味:peasant n. 農民, 小作人, 小百姓. 【+動詞】 ◆The peasants revolted against the landlords. 小作人は地主に対して反乱を起こした ◆Peasants were tilling their fields. 小作人たちが畑を耕していた. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆landless peasants 土地をもたない農民 ◆a local peasa...peasant meaning: Noun: peasant pezunt A country person - provincial , bucolic One of a (chiefly European) class of agricultural labourers A crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking cul...peasant en francais:n. paysan; villageois; ignorantpeasant artinya:petanipeasant 뜻:noun, 소농, 농부, 시골뜨기, 소작인, 농민peasant перевод:1) крестьянин Ex: individual peasant крестьянин-единоличник 2) _пренебр. деревенщина, мужик, хам 3) _пренебр. мещанин, обыватель, невежда