pathosとは意味:pathos n. 哀愁; 悲哀(感), ペーソス. 【動詞+】 ◆The novel conveys the ultimate pathos of the splenetic despot whose arrogance was his downfall. その小説は尊大さが失墜の元となった気難しい独裁者の最大の悲哀を伝える ◆His words gain pathos when we reca...pathos meaning: Noun: pathos peythós A quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow) "the film captured all the pathos of their situation" - poignancy A feeling ...pathos en francais:n. pathétique, sentiment; enthousiasmepathos artinya:rasa kesedihanpathos 뜻:noun, 애틋함을 자아내는 힘, 애수감, 비애, 정감pathos перевод:1) страстное воодушевление, подъем, энтузиазм Ex: the tale of their sufferings was told with a pathos which drew tears from everybody повесть обих страданиях была рассказана с такой страстной силой, ...