Palsy is a medical term which refers to various types of paralysis often accompanied by loss of feeling and uncontrolled body movements such as shaking.
palsyとは意味:palsy n. 麻痺(まひ). 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆She has Bell's palsy. ベル麻痺を患っている ◆cerebral palsy 脳性(小児)麻痺. 【前置詞+】 ◆the treatment of patients with cerebral palsy 脳性小児麻痺患者の治療. palsy meaning: Noun: palsy polzee Loss of the ability to move a body part - paralysis A condition marked by uncontrollable tremor Verb: palsy polzee Affect with palsy...palsy en francais:n. paralysie, déficience ou perte de la fonction motrice d'une partie du corps (médecine)palsy artinya:kelumpuhanpalsy 뜻:noun, vt, 중풍, 마비, 중풍의, 마비된palsy перевод:1) паралич Ex: he has palsy in his arm у него парализована рука 2) параличное дрожание 3) состояние полной баспомощности 4) парализовать 5) делать беспомощным Ex: the winter frosts palsied the a...