The authorization is non - exclusive , non - assignable and non - transferable 有关授权并非独家享有,而且不可转让。
The systems and information are to be used solely by you . your right to use the systems or information is non - assignable 系统和资料仅为阁下自用,使用系统和资料的权利并不可转让。
The systems and information are to be used solely by you . your right to use the systems or information is non - assignable 系统和资料仅为阁下自用,使用系统和资料的权利并不可转让。
This is a personal service , thus your right to use the shipping related systems and shipping information is non - assignable 此乃个人服务,因而您使用与运输有关的系统及运输资讯的权利是不可转让的。
This is a personal service , thus your right to use the despatch - related systems and despatch information is non - assignable 这是一项针对个人的服务,因此您使用运输相关系统及运输信息的权利并不可转让。