It was appropriate for cloning the full - length cdnas of the genes related to the ovary development of the mitten crab Northern印迹分析结果表明ejoi基因在m期卵巢高表达。 ejoi基因的genbank检索号为: ay185917 。
Moreover , snp increased the percentage of ceos at mi stage but decreased the percentage of ceos at mii stage Snp还抑制促性腺激素诱导的减数分裂恢复,尤其是抑制ceos发育到m期,而- me能逆转snp的这种作用。
Its primary sequence was characteristic of five direct repeats that were similar to , but distinct from , those of tfii - i , a multifunctional transcription regulator 中心体在哺乳动物细胞内是主要的微管生成中心、并且在m期形成纺锤体的极点。
These factors included cyclin b1 - like protein , p53 - like protein , c - fos - like protein , c - jun - like protein and ras - like protein in physarum polycephalum . 3 Sl和pnranl的mrna以及类hs蛋白的表达水平,从而使细胞周期无法完成s gz 、 gz川以及走出m期各转换点的过渡。
We used gv and m ii oocytes to detect the exist of jak2 in nuclear via immunofluorescence . the result showed that jak2 presents abundantly in the nuclear of mouse oocyte 采取完全生长的gv期和m期的小鼠卵母细胞,以间接免疫荧光试验检测发现, jak2大量存在于细胞核中。
m: M, m (pl. M's, m's) 1. ...期: designated time分裂期,m期: mitotic phases期: s period; s phase期: 期名词[书面语]1.(一周年) a full year; anniversary 期年 one year2.(一整月) a full month换羽(期);脱毛(期): mo (u)ltg1期: g 1 phase; g1 period; g1 phase; g1 stage; pre-dna-synthetic gapg期: g phase还船(期): re-del re-delivery冷藏(期): iced storage幕;期: episode期,时期: peroid期,周期: period期;时代: ageas m: 近视散光m: M, m (pl. M's, m's) 1.英语字母表第十三字母。 2.M 形状的东西;【印刷】= em. 3.M (罗马数字) 1000. MCML = 1950. m and: m和n凝集原m': M' =Mac, Mc 马克,米克,麦克〔苏格兰人和爱尔兰人姓氏附有 Mac 的略称,如 M'Donald 麦克唐纳〕。 s and m: =Sadism and Masochism 施虐和受虐(色情)狂。 s-m: s-m = 1.sado-masochism 【医学】施虐-受虐狂。 2.sado-masochist 【医学】施虐-受虐狂者。 dna 合成期,s期: synthetic phases期,dna合成期: dna synthesis phase第26期: p. ratchnevsky断乳(戒奶)期: weaning period后(期)烘(烤): after baking