Mulot was one of as many as a million operatives 穆洛就是当时特别行动委员会的一名特工。
Mulot , who was british , married a frenchman before the war and moved with him to france 穆洛是英国人,二战前嫁给了一名法国人并随后移居法国。
The prunes are part of a collection of world war ii memorabilia collected by a british woman , the late doreen mulot , a former member of britain ' s special operations executive , which was set up to carry out operations behind enemy lines 穆洛曾经是英国特别行动委员会的一名成员。二战时期,丘吉尔和休斯道尔顿建立了特别行动委员会,旨在敌后方实施非军事交战的秘密抗敌行动。