Mortmain is a legal term that means ownership of real estate by a corporation or legal institution that can be transferred or sold in perpetuity; the term is usually used in the context of its prohibition. Historically, the land owner usually would be the religious office of a church; today, insofar as mortmain prohibitions against perpetual ownership still exist, it refers most often to modern companies and charitable trusts.
mortmainとは意味:{名} : 現在を支配している過去の影響、死手 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】mo':(r)tme`in、【分節】mort?main mortmain meaning: Noun: mortmain 'mort`meyn Real property held inalienably (as by an ecclesiastical corporation) - dead hand The oppressive influence of past events or decisions - dead ha...mortmain en francais:n. biens gelésmortmain 뜻:noun, 영구 소유mortmain перевод:1) _юр. "мертвая рука", неотчуждаемое право собственности на недвижимость, принадлежащую какому-л. учреждению (церковному, благотворительному и т. п.) Ex: alienation in mortmain продажа недвижимости ...