Research of naval ship material support based on mgis 的舰船器材保障系统研究
This thesis offered the implement guide theoretic for mgis development in future , and propose the problem that must solve 本文为将来mgis的实施和开发提供理论上的指导和开发途径。
The settlement isoline map , based on subsidence prediction in mining area , is difficult to be directly applied to land planning in mining area and mgis analysis due to its different data structure from digital terrain map 摘要基于开采沉陷预计的采煤区下沉等值线图不便于直观地反映矿区地形的动态变化,其图形数据结构与数字地形图存在差异,难以直接用于规划设计和矿区gis分析。
An example indicates that the updated map , taking on the same data structure with original terrain map and the precision being satisfied with demands of terrain map , can be applied to land planning and mgis used as basic datum 实例应用表明,更新后的图形数据结构与原地形图完全相同,其精度满足大比例尺地形图的要求,可作为开采沉陷区土地规划和建立矿区地理信息系统的基础图件。
Second part , author discuss basic questions of comgis second integrated development , it including comgis com dcom and activex ect , at same time , outline of cis second development , data management designing and basic content of gui designing Mgis二次集成开发的相关基本的基本问题,主要包括: comgis 、 com 、 dcom和activex等概念的基本界定;同时还包括: gis二次开发概述、 c 。 mgis二次集成开发数据管理设计和comgis二次集成开发界面设计基础等内容。