Service feel meticulousness and considerateness we go all out to make considerate arrangements for the life and even all the related trifles of our customers the instant we receive them 服务-感受细致入微:迎来客人的一霎开始,各种生活细节都有我们全力以赴,精心安排。
One by one , hack saws and chisels forms out of a tree trunk and paints the raw wooden figure white . deploying almost stoical meticulousness , he succeeds in shaping a filigree garment out of a block of wood 他把一块又一块的组件从树身上锯下砌好,直接漆成白色,然后才尽缜密之能事?木像雕制出一套又一套精雕细琢的衣裳。
There was no significant difference on general creativity between dyslexics and normal students , but in the dimensions of originality and abstraction , there was significant difference . the dyslexics were superior to normal students in originality and abstraction . for the dyslexics , the girls were superior to boys in fluency , meticulousness and general creativity ; grade five was superior to grade two in fluency , originality and general creativity ; there was significant interaction between gender and grade 对于阅读障碍学生而言,流畅性、精细性和创造力总分在性别因素上存在主效应,表现为女生的流畅性、精细性以及创造力总分高于男生;流畅性、独特性、抗过早闭合性以及创造力总分在年级因素上存在主效应,即小学五年级阅读障碍学生的流畅性、独特性、抗过早闭合性以及创造力总分显著高于初二阅读障碍学生;独特性与创造力总分存在显著的性别与年级交互作用。