The ultrastructure of the merozoites of eimeria tenellawas observed and discribed . the pellicle consist of two layer membranes , the outer membrane was a continous covering enclosing the whole merozoites , while the inner pellicular complex is interrupted at the anterior and the micropore , and thicken to form the polar ring and micropore . there are 24 microtubules under the pellicle of the merozoite which originated from the polar ring , all of them are connected with the polar ring , and extend alongside the inner pellicular complex to the middle of the merozoite . the head of the merozoite consists of a conoid , an apical vesicule and polar ring . the conoid is a hollow truncated cone . the conoid and spical vesicule can stretch and contract . there are three or more rhoptry and a lot of micronemes . the nucleus has nucleolus . and two layer membranes 利用透射电镜对柔嫩艾美耳球虫裂殖子的超微结构进行了观察描述.柔嫩艾美耳球虫裂殖子的表膜由外膜和内膜复合体两层组成,外膜连续,内膜复合体在头部断开形成极环,在其它部位断开形成微孔;裂殖子的膜下微管24根,起始于极环,向后延伸至细胞核处;裂殖子的头部由顶泡、锥体和极环组成,锥体和顶泡可以伸缩;柔嫩艾美耳球虫裂殖子棒状体3个以上,微线数量很多,二者都由电子致密的结构组成;细胞核位于裂殖子的中后部,外被双层膜,有电子致密的核仁和染色质
merozoiteとは意味:{名} : メロゾイト、分裂小体{ぶんれつ しょうたい} merozoite meaning: Noun: merozoite `meru'zowIt A cell that arises from the asexual division of a parent sporozoan during its life cycle Derived forms: merozoites Type of: sporozoan Encyclop...merozoite 뜻:noun, (포자충류의) 낭충, 메로조이트merozoite перевод:мерозоит