In geology, a massif is a section of a planet's crust that is demarcated by faults or flexures. In the movement of the crust, a massif tends to retain its internal structure while being displaced as a whole.
massifとは意味:{名} : マッシーフ、中央山塊 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】maesi':f、【変化】《複》massifs、【分節】mas?sif massif meaning: Noun: massif masif A block of the earth's crust bounded by faults and shifted to form peaks of a mountain range Derived forms: massifs Type of: formation , geological forma...massif en francais:n. massif, chaîne de montagnes, ensemble montagneux (français)massif artinya:sekelompok gunung-gunung yangtinggimassif 뜻:noun, 중앙 산괴(산맥의 중심이 되는 봉우리), 단층 지괴massif перевод:1) горный массив