He took me into his library , a littery but considerable collection 他带我到他的藏书室,里面的藏书虽然杂乱无章,数量却相当可观。
Then , the associated search optimal algorithm based on virtual avl tree is promoted to rapidly reconstruct the half - edge topological structure . 3 . to rebuild the tooth surface from the littery measure data , the membrane deformation algorithm based on loop subdivision is given to fit density triangle meshes to subdivision surface 前者巧妙、高效地完成了去除冗余点的工作,将stl数据的存储尺寸压缩为原来的18 % 25 % ;后者完成了数据的半边拓扑重建,使得后续对于边界边搜索、 1环邻域搜索显示出较好的优势,实现了三角网格模型的快速拓扑重建。
litteryとは意味:{形} : 取り散らかした、乱雑な littery meaning: adjective 1. In a condition of litter 2. Addicted to litterlittery en francais:adj. relatif aux ordures, couvert de détritus; composé de déchetslittery 뜻:adjective, 먼지로 더러워진, 난잡한, 흩뜨러놓은littery перевод:1) захламленный, в беспорядке, замусоренный