set afire or burning; "the lighted candles"; "a lighted cigarette"; "a lit firecracker" 同义词:lit
provided with artificial light; "illuminated advertising"; "looked up at the lighted windows"; "a brightly lit room"; "a well-lighted stairwell" 同义词:illuminated, lit, well-lighted
lightedとは意味:{形} : 点火[点灯]している、火の灯って[ついて]いる、電球付きの lighted meaning: Adjective: lighted lItud Set afire or burning "the lighted candles"; "a lighted cigarette" - lit Provided with artificial light "looked up a...lighted en francais:adj. illuminé; éclairé; enflammé; embrasé; brûlantlighted artinya:menyalakanlighted 뜻:adjective, 불이 켜진lighted перевод:Освещенный