she firmly relied on the liberality of his intentions . 她坚定地寄希望于他的慷慨打算。
he was a man of extraordinary vigour and liberality of mind . 他是个生气勃勃和思想非常开朗的人。
the most remarkable feature in the whole occasion was the excessive liberality of the archdeacon . 这场婚礼中最引人注目的特点,就是会吏长的分外慷慨。
he hoped that would be no insurmountable objection to a man of his liberality of sentiment . 对于一位思想开明的人士而言,他希望其间不致存在不可逾越的鸿沟。
it seems absurd at first sight that we should despise their persons, and yet reward their talents with the most profuse liberality . 我们在一方面鄙视其人格,在另一方面都又对其才能给与非常优厚的报酬,这乍看起来,似乎很不合理。