Histologic examination of the tan patch reveals features of lentigo simplex , whereas the speckled macules and papules disclose melanocytic nevi 组织病理下褐色斑块呈现单纯性黑痣,而其上的斑点及丘疹则为黑色素细胞痣。
lentigoとは意味:{名} : 黒子{こくし/ほくろ} lentigo meaning: Noun: lentigo (lentigines) len'tIgow A small brownish spot (of the pigment melanin) on the skin - freckle Derived forms: lentigines See also: lentiginous Type of: ma...lentigo en francais:n. lentigo ou lentigine; petite tache cutanéelentigo artinya:capuklentigo перевод:1) лентиго, пигментное родимое пятно 2) веснушчатая пигментация кожи