The aromatic smoke of cooking fires floated lazily aloft . 炊烟带着诱人的香味袅袅上升,随风飘荡。
It was very pleasant to see how things lazily adapted themselves to purposes . 有些事情慢慢发展,终于得其所哉,看了真叫痛快。
Two english artists were sitting on the terrace; one sketching, the other lazily chatting . 两个英国画家也在那凉台上坐着,一个人在写生,一个人在懒洋洋地聊天。
Gus stood at the table, toying with a cue stick, his eyes straying lazily over the billiard balls scattered about the table in the array of an unfinished game . 格斯站在桌旁,手里拿着一根弹球棒弄着玩,两眼懒洋洋地瞟着因一局未完而散在桌上各处的弹球。
Where the blue moon and white clouds drift lazily away 在那里蓝色的月亮和白云轻轻懒懒的游走
in an idle manner; "this is what I always imagined myself doing in the south of France, sitting idly, drinking coffee, watching the people" 同义词:idly, idly
in a slow and lazy manner; "I watched the blue smoke drift lazily away on the still air"
in an idle manner; "this is what I always imagined myself doing in the south of France, sitting idly, drinking coffee, watching the people" 同义词:idly, idly
in a slow and lazy manner; "I watched the blue smoke drift lazily away on the still air"
lazilyとは意味:lazily ぶらぶら lazily meaning: Adverb: lazily lazulee In a slow and lazy manner "I watched the blue smoke drift lazily away on the still air" In an idle manner - idly See also: lazy lazily en francais:adv. paresseusement, par négligence, par indolencelazily artinya:dengan malaslazily 뜻:adverb, 게으른, 느린lazily перевод:1) лениво; медлительно