Where the law is concerned , i am only a layman . 谈到法律,我不过是门外汉。
The layman is generally more concerned with their possible unethical uses . 外行人通常担心它们可能产生非道德的用途。
In the language of the layman the epicrustal rocks can best be described as the "scum" . 用外行人的话来说,浅成岩最好称为“浮渣”。
On one level it was highly technical, beyond the ken of most laymen . 从某种意义上说,这个问题具有高度技术性,是多数门外汉无法搞懂的。
One may wonder if the secrecy with which the fraternity surrounds its gatherings is designed to keep the layman from discovering . 人们也许会纳闷他们聚会时讳莫如深,是否不想让外人发觉。
laymanとは意味:layman n. 素人(しろうと), 俗人. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆an introduction to Chaucer for the knowledgeable layman 博識な一般人のためのチョーサーへの手引き(書) ◆It means nothing to the ordinary layman. 専門外のふつうの人にとってそれは何の意味ももたない. 【前置詞+】 ◆Speaking...layman meaning: Noun: layman (laymen) leymun Someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person - layperson , secular , laywoman Derived forms: laymen Type of: common man , commo...layman en francais:n. laïque, séculier; profane; non-spécialistelayman artinya:orang awamlayman 뜻:noun, 속인layman перевод:1) мирянин 2) непрофессионал, неспециалист Ex: a book for layman книга для широкого круга читателей