And from such largess , dispensed from his future , martin turned and took his one good suit of clothes to the pawnshop 马丁赠送了这份将来才能兑现的礼物之后,转身便把他仅有的一套漂亮衣服送进了当铺。
Martin dispensed royal largess , inviting everybody up , farm - hands , a stableman , and the gardener s assistant from the hotel , the barkeeper , and the furtive hobo who slid in like a shadow and like a shadow hovered at the end of the bar 马丁出手阔绰,请大家都喝:几个农场帮工一个马夫旅馆花匠的下手酒店老板,还有一个像幽灵一样溜进来像幽灵一样在柜台一头游荡的。偷偷摸摸的流浪汉。
It is this largess that accounts for the presence within the city ' s walls of a considerable section of the population ; for the residents of manhattan are to a large extent strangers who have pulled up stakes somewhere and come to town , seeking sanctuary or fulfillment or some greater or lesser grail 这座城市里相当大的一部分人正是因为这种恩赐定居此地;因为曼哈顿的居民们大都是背井离乡的外乡人,试图在这里找到庇护或者满足,或是想要实现或大或小的愿望。
largessとは意味:largess n. 気前のよい施し; 多分の祝儀; 高潔さ. 【動詞+】 ◆distribute largess from public funds to welfare claimants 公金から巨額の援助金を生活保護受給者に振り分ける ◆receive largess from an anonymous donor 匿名の寄贈者から大きな援助を受ける. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆governm...largess meaning: Noun: largess laa(r)'jes A gift or money given (as for service or out of benevolence); usually given ostentatiously - largesse Liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely lib...largess en francais:n. gratification, action de donner, largesse; don, cadeau, aumônelargess artinya:pemberianlargess 뜻:축의largess перевод:сущ.; уст. 1) щедрый дар, вознаграждение синоним: bonus, gift 1., grant 1., gratuity, present II 1., tip III 1. 2) щедрость синоним: liberality, generosity n уст. 1) щедрый дар ;2) щедрость largess ...